Do you enjoy loopy genre fiction? Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror with dark humor?

Congrats–you’re in the right place…

Paul Neuhaus


Paul was born long, long ago in Cincinnati, Ohio. He had a normal childhood and did moderately well in school. When he came of age, he went to numerous colleges, starting with Ohio State University in Columbus and culminating at Kennesaw State College north of Atlanta, Georgia.

After school, he moved west, took a wife, and spawned twin offspring. He’s worked as an animator, a teacher, and a writer.

For some reason, Paul’s family persists in tolerating him.


Praise From My Amazon Readers

I love this story, and it’s good to see someone putting a classical education to creative good use. It belies how clever the writing really is.

In the mold of Christopher Moore for sure. …a must read for those into Greek mythology. Without a doubt the best preface ever written by man! Laughed pretty hard for a long time!

I absolutely loved this book. The plot twists were well placed throughout. A great read for anybody who likes a rather kick-butt down to earth heroine.

I highly recommend catching all the Mythinks books! Paul has knocked it out of the park…can’t wait to see what comes next!

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Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

Paul Neuhaus

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Craft & Curmudgery

Somebody Saying Something Brilliant

Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.–Alan Moore


That Somebody’s Book

Alan Moore

And One of Mine

Paul Neuhaus


Nearly everything here is ©Paul Neuhaus. Except the stuff which isn’t. Which should be obvious.